The Parent Empowerment Network mission spans around the globe and touches the lives of countless families facing unimaginable medical challenges with their children.

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As Seen in the News

Whole Genome Sequencing Identifies Girl’s Rare Disease, Renews Hope
Cleveland Clinic Patient Stories

Charlotte Whiting and her medical fight
The Daily Record

Northeast Ohio mom providing hope for other parents, caregivers of children with medical complexities
News 5 Cleveland

Meet Emily K Whiting
Canvas Rebel

A Walking, Talking Miracle
Cleveland Clinic Magazine
"My heart needs other moms that get it. That really get it! I have been needing this for 7 years and I’m very excited…"
Sammie B.Iowa
"I’ve been listening to the Empowered by Hope podcast and have read She is Charlotte: A Mother’s Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Journey with her Child with Medical Complexities. These resources have made such an impact on my life and my ability to parent these precious little babies...thank you for being there when we needed to know we weren’t alone."
Angela C.Z.Ohio
"What an amazing community and platform you both have built. I am just filled with so much emotion right now, I have no words. I am honestly so excited I could book a flight right now just to give big hugs and cry together. Thanks!"
Ashley B.Utah
"Having a support circle within Maren’s medical diagnosis was game changing for us. There is no one better to share your fears, worries and wins with like someone is walking the same journey. I’m beyond grateful for my “medical moms,” and even more grateful that our girls will have each other for support as they get older."
Ashley M.South Carolina
“I love that you talk about hope, because that is the difference when I see families going through trials and hearing about diagnosis and or acquiring a disability like my son. Hope is the thing that makes or breaks people, if they have hope or if they don’t. There’s such a great community out there that if you can just look in the right directions, like your podcast, that you can find hope.
Abby Z.Florida
“I am a parent educator in a NICU in Alabama, but I am also a momma to a child with medical complexity. I have found your podcast very therapeutic and have shared it with a few moms that were taking babies home from our unit with a complex diagnosis … It has been so helpful to me.”
Rachel S.Alabama
“I just finished listening to the webinar you shared in the Bladder Exstrophy Parent Tribe page with Dr Lopez, Professors Mushtaq and Leclair re: the Kelly procedure. Then I found your podcast and listened to the episode announcing that the procedure is coming to Cleveland. I am totally overcome with emotion hearing your experience; thank you for sharing it and for bringing this information to so many families who feel like they do not have any choice in the decision-making for their children's care.”
Kieve L.Canada