20. Ashley Milbourne’s Journey

Guest Ashley Milbourne joins host Ashlyn to share her story of first receiving the news of her own health challenges and those of her unborn baby at the routine anatomy scan nearly halfway through her pregnancy. Ashley shares the turbulent road for her and her family after that fateful ultrasound, all while navigating the added challenges of Covid-19.

In this episode you learn how one mom gained her advocacy voice as she was hospitalized and on bed rest, separated from her family due to Covid-19 hospital visitor restrictions, navigated the wide array of emotions as she wrestled with the reality that her own life was at risk, grappled with diagnoses for her unborn baby that ended up being inaccurate, and how she now embraces the challenges, joys and triumphs of raising her resilient sweet 2.5-year-old daughter with Bladder Exstrophy.

You don’t want to miss this episode. You will walk away with such encouragement, inspired by incredible grace and empowered with the hope that you too can advocate for your child in phenomenal ways.

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