16. Parenting Wisdom from Haleigh Dean

Fellow mama of a beautiful child with medical complexities, Haleigh Dean shares her incredible insights to two questions we posed:

  1. Given what you’ve gone through with your child, what is one thing you wish you’d known at the beginning of your medical journey that you want to share with listeners now?
  2. What is an unexpected blessing or positive that’s come from this journey that you could not have imagined at the beginning of it?

Haleigh reminds us, “it’s okay to grieve what you thought was going to be.” She encourages us, “don’t be afraid to advocate for your child,” adding, “if you feel something is not right, it’s okay to tell them (the medical professionals).” And, she gives us hope that from meeting other parents and caregivers raising children with medical complexities, she has gained confidence in her parenting/advocacy role and you can too.

You don’t want to miss her words of wisdom!

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