19. Ashlyn’s Post-Op Update on Emery

Ashlyn Thompson surfaces from the “black hole” that is pediatric post-op recovery to share an update on her daughter, Emery.

She shares:

  • How Emery’s surgery went,
  • What it’s like having pediatric surgery in a different country (medical tourism),
  • The worries, thoughts, anxieties, triumphs and setbacks that are post-op,
  • The ongoing struggle with pain control,
  • The cry of a parent’s heart as she watches her baby writhe in pain,
  • And so much more.

In this episode you will catch a glimpse of the reality of pediatric surgery recovery. If you are preparing for your own child’s upcoming procedure, this episode will help arm you with things to consider and questions to ask your surgeon before the big day.

If you are a medical professional, this show will give you tips for offering compassionate care that invites the parent to be part of the recovery team and helps diffuse the high emotions often felt by patients, families and parents involved in post-op care.

And, as a little bonus, we discuss a pre-op and post-op checklist to help parents and caregivers navigate these challenging times (which is soon to come!).

In the end Ashlyn reminds us, this pain will not last forever. We cling to this knowledge and hope as we trudge our way through the darkness of post-op recovery.

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