Do you ever find yourself wanting to ask your child’s doctor(s) more questions, but find yourself holding back? Today is all about arming you with strategies to advocate for your child’s medical care. We share how we confidently question our daughters’ medical providers and expand on the importance of questioning in our role as advocates. You’ll learn how to push past “white coat syndrome,” weigh the risks and benefits of treatments, and learn the value of hitting pause so you aren’t rushed into a decision before you are ready. We highlight the importance of considering the impact of these decisions on your entire family and emphasize the necessity of choice in selecting your child’s medical team. It’s no secret both Emily and Ashlyn are big supporters of seeking multiple opinions when possible! So press play, prepare to be empowered by hope, and together, we’ll learn to advocate for your child’s medical care.
Get your copy of She is Charlotte: A Mother’s Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Journey with Her Child with Medical Complexities by Emily K Whiting on Amazon today:
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